Make a Meaningful Impact
Your support can make a meaningful impact in the lives of those we serve. With your donation, we can continue to provide essential services and resources to empower people with disabilities to achieve their goals to live as independently as they choose.
Your generosity enables us to meet the immediate needs of individuals and families and help them develop skills to make informed choices for themselves. Together, we can create a brighter future for our community. Please consider donating today!
Donate on PayPalTo make your Year-End donation, please use the PayPal link, or contact us at 715-344-4217 to discuss other donation options.
Checks may also be made payable and sent to Midstate Independent Living Choices, 3262 Church St, Stevens Point 54481.
Our Impact
Consumer cases closed/independent living goals achieved.
Current IRIS participants enrolled since 2009.
Number of assistive technology loans
Donate Assistive Technology (AT)
We accept donations of gently used equipment that you are no longer in need of or using. The equipment is cleaned, sanitized, and added to our loan program for individuals to borrow for zero cost. If we find someone in need of that item, we then donate it to that individual. Below is a list of items that are commonly accepted and items. If you have an item that is not on the list below, please contact us.
- Manual wheelchairs
- Walkers
- Commodes
- Toilet seat risers
- Bed rails
- Portable ramps
To donate AT, call 715-344-4210, ext. 232